Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July Bonanza

Hello friends another day another dollar living in the city.

I want to begin with some comments on the generic look of my blog. I am sorry. Thats all I can really say for now. I know you all must think well, he is an aerospace engineer he can do anything. Well html coding is kicking my ass and I am having a hard time getting things to work my way. I also just got batteries, or bats as I like to call them, for my cameras. Soon to be posted, pictures and videos of my daily antics. I will make sure not to leave home without them.

Let me now tell you about my Fourth of July weekend. I live with some pretty awesome dudes, well who all have blogs, so if you need a blog fix check out U Street Life , and TrU life . Both of these guys are my roommates and do a pretty good job at telling it how it is. I like to stick to my personal experiences and give a flavor of how life is through my own eyes. Here is how my weekend went down.


We had our first BBQ at our U street house. I invited some friends and my folks, as did my roommates, and we got a ton of stuff for free. We did some last minute yard work so that our house wouldn't look like the worst on the block. Things started great and then people got drunk said some stuff and feelings got hurt, but going through college you learn to ignore these things and use them later as good pieces of blackmail. For example, my father started telling the 20 something girls at my party, girlfriend included, that his porn name was "big daddy rabbit" inside joke, but pretty self explanatory. He didn't like it when I called him a creepy old man. It gets better. We have a mutual friend and if you feel the need to read more about this individual real well he went and told everyone's moms at the party that he shared a bed with their sons and that the fate of his penis rested on their shoulders. Around 8 pm the parents left to give us our space and to let the youngins start planning for the evening.
Now if you are new to the city, or rich, or just really stupid you will go to the mall to see the fireworks. Bad move. If you want a true untouristy spot to watch fireworks next year go to 13th street hill (the only one in D.C.) and watch the fireworks from Cardozo High School, Home of the Clerks (terrible mascot). We watched the fireworks side by side with U.S. loving illegal immigrants and troubled inner city youth. I loved it. There was a mashup of every possible background enjoying a holiday of freedom. People were singing patriotic songs, smoking illegal drugs, setting off dangerous fireworks, and drinking in the streets while watching the firework display on the mall. We even got an impressive private firework display on people that had their own stockade of explosives. On our walk home we got to enjoy a show of Brazilian dance fighting (see ). My night ended there with a car ride back to my girlfriends place in boring NOVA.


I love to run. I have not had a chance to do some serious jogging until I Saturday when my roommate and I ran around the monuments in some jungle like heat. There is nothing like jogging in D.C. There is an immediate runners high when you see the monuments and the surrounding beauty. For me I get jazzed off the people I see walking around that clearly don't live in the city, and more than likely anywhere near the city. It's my silent way of screaming to them, "ha! I live here can't you tell! I clearly live here because I am jogging and not walking around the monuments reading the plaques. I have already read them!" My guess is that feeling is probably not shared by anyone but me. That evening I did the chivalrous thing and went with my gf to see the G rated Pixar movie Wall-E. Here is my assessment.

While I generally find sites like Rotten Tomatoes to be reliable sources of good movie critiquing I was very disappointed when I found myself wondering why I had yet again been tricked by the Pixar franchise. I spent a good two hours wondering where this movie would be going and found at the end it had gotten nowhere. A plot assesment of this movie can be summed up in one sentence. A robot, left behind in a trashed earth by over consuming wasteful humans, falls in love with a probe sent by fat lazy humans waiting in space until earth's atmosphere livable. The movie has maybe 30 lines of actual dialog, non sequitor live action scenes, and a stupid love story between effing robots. I went for the girlfriend because she really wanted to see it, but it didn't surprise me in any way. My grade B-. Critics, stop sucking Pixar's D.


Since I am writing this technically on Sunday, I can finally write in the present tense. I spent the night again at my gf's after Wall-E and took the metro home. I made sure to sit in the front car right by the window to the pilot's cockpit. I wanted to see what it was like through the conductor's eys. I also wanted to see if there was anything strange inside the tunnels. There wasn't. Tonight we went to Duffy's Irish Pub near the 9:30 Club. I have wanted to goto this place since we got to U Street. We went for the trivia and I must say I was impressed. The atmosphere was great and the crowd was even better. The best thing was the cheap beer and darts. My roommates and I got second in trivia and won a $30 dollar bar tab, which was even better. I highly recommend this place because it is a change from the weird. It's a straight up bar with a great menu. Do yourself a favor.

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